News & Updates from Saphira Crafts · Page 4

Showing 16 - 20 of 164 News Items
Sep 26, 2019
Beautiful Pendant

I love Jewellery. My now retired mum used to run a market stall selling silver and gold, and I have grown up with beautiful jewellery.

I own a lot of silver items, pendants, rings, bracelets etc. This gorgeous silver pendant is my most recent purchase. I absolutely love it.

The bit in the middle that looks grey is translucent, and looks like clouds when you shine a light through it.

My sale starts today, including all of my many many bumper kits! Enjoy x

Sep 19, 2019
Beautiful Flowers

My brother was aware that I havent been feeling too well recently, Ive just gotten over a long horrible cold, and he randomly turned up at my door with a bunch of beautiful flowers.

I love getting flowers, and these are beautiful.

They brighten up my kitchen and fill my house with a lovely scent. Bless his heart.

Sep 12, 2019
Gorgeous Gourds

I love pumpkins. I dont like the taste, or the smell when they are carved, but I love the look of them. I am obsessed with small gourds, the stranger and knobblier the better. When I saw these in my local artisan florist, I couldnt help myself.

I can honestly say I have never seen knobblier pumpkins! They will last as a decorative item well past halloween, and will probably be joined by many more tiny pumpkins before halloween is over!

Sep 5, 2019
New Bag

My loved and trusted over the shoulder handbag had finally given up the ghost. It had given years of service and I loved it. It had lots of pockets, held everything i needed and hung at just the right length from my shoulder.

I thought all was lost when it finally broke beyond all repair. My daughter took my old bag, took it apart and built me a new one from the template of the old one.

I bought the fabric I liked, and in no time at all, my old bag was back! it felt the same, had all the right bits in all the right places.

Sewing and making is something I do not do, so I am very grateful that my daughter can.

Aug 1, 2019
The Jurassic Coast

One of the things my son has to do for homework during the school holidays, is take 200 photos of the natural form, basically anything not man made.

We decided to go down to the jurassic coast, to a lovely stoney beach called Kilve.

It is known for its rugged landscape, pebbles, rock pools and....fossils. We didnt manage to find any big fossils that day, but we did find these tiny ones. My son ended up taking 130 photos, and despite it being very windy, we had a lovely day.

Showing 16 - 20 of 164 News Items