If you don't have an amplifier, or your parents won't let you have a guitar, then make your own.


  1. Cut 3 pieces of string.
  2. Poke 6 push pins in an empty box and 3 on top and 3 on the bottom.
  3. Tie 1 piece of string to the first row of 2 push pins.
  4. Tie the second piece of string to the second row of 2 push pins.
  5. Tie the third piece of string to the third row of 2 push pins.
  6. Get a straight empty soda box.
  7. Tape the straight empty box to the other box. Have fun!
  8. Finished.

Things You'll Need

  • An empty box
  • 3 pieces of string
  • 6 push pins
  • A straight empty soda box