This article tells you how to improve a somewhat boring shirt into a brighter more attractive one.


  1. Get an old shirt that you find unattractive or boring.
  2. Have a rough idea of how you want your shirt to look. Sketch a picture or draft of it.
  3. Buy some iron-on material badges from a craft store, place them on the shirt, and iron them on. You could also find an old pair of jeans you don't want any more, and cut out patches of denim into cool shapes. Glue them on your shirt.
  4. Purchase some fabric paint, or fabric glitter glue. Find a word or phrase you like and carefully paint it on, before letting it dry.
  5. Get some pretty beads, ribbon, and bows, and attach them where you want on the shirt with fabric glue. Allow them to dry.
  6. You could tie-dye the shirt. Choose a fun color and some patterns. Make sure to wash the shirt first.
  7. Buy some permanent markers in different colors and have your friends sign your shirt with different messages until it's covered up.
  8. Finished.


  • Allow your shirt to dry for at least 24 hours before wearing it.
  • Cover all surfaces and wear gloves if tie-dying.
  • Tie-dying works best if the shirt is white.


  • Be careful when using scissors, an iron, and dyes.

Things You'll Need

  • Bows, beads, ribbons, and iron-on badges
  • Fabric glue, glitter glue, fabric paint
  • A few different sized paint brushes
  • An old shirt
  • Tie-dye equipment
  • A rough idea of how you want your shirt to look.