This seller currently has 1 unanswered support requests and 1 open support requests. They have received a total of 1 support requests since October 6, 2016, of which 0 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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1 Result

Expired License at Nitwit Collections

October 6, 2016 3:04 PMNitwit Collections

Hi Michael,

I am not sure if you received our emails last month to let you know that your Digital License with us expired at the end of September. If you did want to renew, please just go over to our store and repurchase your License for this year.

If you have decided not to repurchase your License, I ask that you please remove any and all products that contain Nitwit Collections graphics from sale.

Warm regards,


Nitwit Collections™

1 Result