Birthday Male Verses

Showing 49 - 72 of 133 Verses
A Birthday Wish For A Fisherman
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
In a river wide, where dream fish glide,
A wish for you on your special tide.
May your days be filled with catches fine,
Happiness as vast as the sea, divine!

With each year, like rivers, flow ever true,
A world of joy, in depths of blue.
Happy Birthday, with fishes' cheer,
May your waters be clear, and your adventures dear.
Whale, Whale, Whale, Another Year Older
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
Whale, whale, whale, another year older,
In the sea of life, you're a splendid beholder.
With each wave and tide, you've gracefully sailed,
Your spirit, like the ocean, vast and unassailed.

Navigating through life's deep, endless blue,
With strength and courage in all that you do.
"Whale, whale, whale," we say with a grin,
Your journey's remarkable, with tales to spin.

So here's to you, on your special day,
May joy and adventure always come your way.
Happy Birthday, with cheers loud and swell,
"Whale, whale, whale," you're doing quite well!
Make A Splash On Your Birthday!
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
Today's your day to make a splash,
In life's great sea, you're sure to dash.
With whales as friends, and the ocean wide,
Adventure waits on every tide.

"Whale you" find joy in every wave,
Treasures of memories, always to save.
Your spirit's as vast as the deep blue sea,
A beacon of light, strong and free.

So on this day, we cheer and say,
Happy Birthday, celebrate in your own way!
May your year ahead be as grand and vast,
Making a splash that will forever last.
Happy Birthday To A Groovy Guitar Playing Guy
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
Our man has some serious groove,
When he strums his guitar he makes the dancefloor move.
On his special day, we cheer and say,
"Happy birthday, rockstar, play away!"

When his fingers dance upon those strings,
Melodies soar, happiness it brings.
This guy’s guitar skills, oh so sweet,
Let’s sing Happy birthday to his groovy beat!
Time To Raise A Glass
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Time to raise a glass and wish you happiness,
On this your very special day
I'm sure there are many who would like to say,
May your birthday be one of the very best
for a guy like you is head and shoulders above the rest!
Have a good one!
A Man Of Honour
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
It always gives me pleasure to mark this special day with you,
For you are someone who is thought about and loved a whole lot too.
You're kind and very caring, a man of honour, there is no doubt,
Now it's time for the world to know this guy is worth shouting about.
So go out there and enjoy your day and let those celebrations get underway!
I wanted to give you all my love for your birthday,
but there’s no box big enough to hold it.
Besides, it’s already yours.
Happy Birthday
Dreaming Of Fishing
Submitted By S Norris
Your birthday's come around again
and what a year it's been!
You've been so good at shielding
& long for a change of scene.
So dust down your rods
And sort out your gear
You've had your vaccination
The time is nearly about
To get down to the river
And catch yourself a trout!
Happy Birthday!
Tools Down
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Time to put the tools down,
A birthday is under way,
No time to do any fixing,
Celebrations start without delay,
So put away your saw and hammer,
The spirit level can rest,
It's time to make this occasion,
A day that's simply the best,
Down a pint or raise a glass,
It's a time that you can share,
With all your friend and family,
Who want to show how much they care.
Voyage Across The Seas
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Life is a journey of discovery,
A voyage across the seas,
Exploring islands of plenty,
Carried along by wind and by breeze,
A birthday is an expansive harbour,
A place to take a rest,
Where we take stock, one day of the year,
And find ourselves truly blessed,
So as you navigate the nautical miles,
Capturing treasures along the way,
May each day be a great adventure,
Always knowing when to adjust your sails.
I Love My Motorbike
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Riding on my motorbike
Gives a feeling I am free
The excitement of the speed
It just relaxes me
The roar of the engine
The sound and how it feels
As I rev up the speed
I’m on my powerhouse on wheels
An Exceptional Superstar
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
This was written for an astronomy/star design, if it suits your purpose, please use it.

May your day shine so brightly,
Reflecting who you are,
You're someone who deserves the best,
An exceptional superstar,
You're one guy in a million,
In a galaxy of your own,
May your birthday be just out of this world,
And rocket you into the celebration zone!
The Astronomer
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
This verse was composed for a space/planet design. If the theme fits your card please use it.

A day for an astronomer would be viewing moons and stars,
Or planets in the night sky,
The Milky Way afar,
But a birthday for an astronomer,
Will hold that and so much more,
For friends and family even the postman,
Might be knocking on the door,
There will be candles, cakes and gifts,
Waiting just for you,
And then when the day is over,
Your telescope will still be there to view!
It Has To Be
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Another day is dawning
But this one stands out from the rest,
It's more than a nine to five day,
It has to be one of the best,
It has to be full of laughter,
Full of happiness right from the start,
As everyone will give you good wishes,
That will come right from their hearts.
It's Easy !
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
It's easy to send good wishes,
To a special guy like you,
It's easy to wish you happiness,
Not just for today,
But the whole year through,
It's easy to want to celebrate,
With a guy who is much admired,
There isn't really much effort,
Or industry require,
For you are one of the good guys,
Unique in every way,
So therefore it is not problem
In wish you a VERY, Happy Birthday !
Made Especially For You !
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Put your feet up,
Have a rest,
Enjoy your birthday,
Make sure it's the best,
Let any troubles fade away,
Relax, unwind,
Without delay,
Order some food,
Or perhaps some wine,
Today there's no hurry,
Don't look at the time,
Enjoy every second,
For it's happiness you're due,
As it's the one day of the year
That's made especially - for YOU!
A Day Full Of Happiness
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Everyone likes to celebrate,
A birthday, that is true,
It's one day of the year,
That all belongs to you,
People enjoy sending cards,
Maybe giving a gift or two,
Others will even share,
In some birthday cake with you!
So take on board the good wishes,
The kindness that others show,
For it makes many people happy,
For they too like you to know,
You're a man who is very special,
They feel blessed to have you as a friend,
May your day be full of happiness,
From the start right ot the end.
What Is A Man?
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
A man can be a Husband
A Brother or a Dad
He can be tall or short, fat or thin
And can make you really mad
Handsome or quite plain
When all is said and done
He could be your lover
Or he could be your Son
Happy Birthday Dear Husband
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Wishing you every happiness
On this your special day
Hoping all your dreams come true
As you journey along life's way
Anything's Allowed!
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
A birthday allows you,
Just for one day,
To be the centre of attention,
And celebrate it your way,
You can just spend it quietly,
Or be rowdy and loud,
Whatever you decide,
Anything's allowed,
So make it unique,
Do what matters to you,
But it's important to enjoy it,
Whatever you do!
Now Celebrate!
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Time to party,
Time for cake,
It's your birthday,
Now celebrate!
Tell your friends,
Your family too,
Get down and boogie,
Like you used to do,
Age is no barrier,
Enjoyment is the key,
To a great happy life with longevity,
So enjoy your day,
Let it all hang out,
Show the young uns,
What life's all about!
A Man
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
A man who gives his everything,
A man who always cares,
A man who has a special day,
He'll want everyone to share,
For selfish isn't in his vocabulary,
It's replaced with -
honest, good and true,
This man deserves a celebration,
That is certainly overdue,
So raise a glass and give a cheer,
We're wishing you all the best,
For the man who always stands out in a crowd,
Head and Shoulders Above the Rest !
Age Is Just A Label
Submitted By Stephanie Bardelli
Age is just a label
Not something you should fear
Birthdays are those specials days
Which come just once a year
So on this day so special
we bought this card to say
How much we love and think of you
And a very Happy Birthday
You Are The One
Submitted By Stephanie Bardelli
Your birthday is like a world-class gift,
Because you give me such a lift.
Sweet and tender, funny, too.
How could I ever do without you?
Happy birthday, and many more;
Who knows what our lives have in store;
Happiness and lots of fun,
Because my darling, you’re the one!
Showing 49 - 72 of 133 Verses