Here's a fun way to decorate a lampshade.


  1. Protect a table with layers of newspaper.
  2. Gather a lampshade and supplies.
  3. Cut colored tissue paper into random shapes and sizes. Store the cut paper in a bowl.
  4. Using glue, attach the tissue paper randomly, to cover the entire shade.
  5. Dilute the glue, in another bowl, with a small amount of water.
  6. Using a paintbrush, paint the diluted glue onto all of the tissue paper.
  7. Allow the lampshade to dry.
  8. Glue sequins randomly over the remainder of the shade.
  9. Finished.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Lampshade
  • Scissors
  • Colored tissue paper
  • Two Bowls
  • Glue
  • Medium-sized paintbrush
  • Sequins