The Metric System conversion table can be made with an envelope very easily. It is better to put this table on an envelope, because when it's put in an envelope, the gauge isn't missing.


  1. Print this Metric conversion table on the right.
     Print this Metric conversion table on the right.
    Print this Metric conversion table on the right. Expand or reduce the size of the image according to the size of the envelope if necessary.
  2. Cut and stick the table on the envelope.
     Cut and stick the table on the envelope.
    Cut and stick the table on the envelope.
  3. Make a gauge slide, and convert it.
     Make a gauge slide, and convert it.
    Make a gauge slide, and convert it. Example:When there is "1" in the location of m, it's 100cm.And it's also the location of l and kg, so it's 1000g by 1000ml.
  4. Close a gauge in the envelope, now you are finished.

Things You'll Need

  • Envelope
  • Printer (or handwriting)
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue