If you have ever wondered how to entertain a child, modeling dough is one of the best ways.


  1. In a bowl mix 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of salt with 2 teaspoons of cream tartar.
  2. Into a 1 1/2 - quart pan, measure 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and 5 drops of food coloring (the color of your choice).
  3. Gradually stir the dry ingredients into the water mixture.
  4. Cook over medium heat, mixing with wooden spoon, until the mixture pulls away from the pan.
  5. Let cool. Store in an airtight plastic bag.


  • If you are working with a child that likes colors, mix in a bunch of different food coloring colors to make a rainbow.
  • If you are babysitting and taking modeling dough, it is best if you make it at home before you get to your charge's house.


  • Do not eat the dough.
  • Be careful with the stove.