Blowing gum bubbles is a neat way to chew gum. Many people can do it, but it takes some practice and sometimes it does not work.


  1. To begin, find a flavor or brand of gum that you like. You don't want to chew something nasty that you don't like! Choose a fruity flavor for beginners.
  2. Once you have your flavor, start chewing it. Chew it for a while so it's soft, and very stretchy. Don't chew it for too long, gum can get hard after a while and won't stretch well.
  3. Now, make the piece of gum flatten. Sandwich it between the top of your mouth and tongue. (Make sure it doesn't cave in!)
  4. Afterwards, lower the flattened gum down on the tip of your tongue. Pull in your jaw so it holds the flat gum in place. Stick out your tongue about half an inch and blow like you normally would. When you stick your tongue out it may need a little adjusting, so find a good position.
  5. Finally blow blow away! Show your friends and family! Teach other people how to do it. But make sure to have a good time!


  • Using a fruity gum flavor is best for beginners because it won't sting or bother your tongue like peppermint or spearmint types.
  • Watch yourself in the mirror or make a video of yourself trying. Watch what you do and fix it next time.
  • Some types of gum can make bubbles blow real big. But use those after you have practice.
  • It may seem silly reading an article about gum bubble blowing, but I can't blame you. It's fun!
  • Just before you blow up your bubble, make sure the gum is in a position where it won't fall out of your mouth. If it does, you'll just look silly!
  • Make sure that you keep your lips in a good position.


  • This takes time, so don't get mad at yourself.
  • Don't swallow your gum at all times, blowing bubbles or not.
  • Don't give up! Keep on trying!

Things You'll Need

  • A mirror or video camera
  • A buddy to practice with (optional)