This is a cute craft suitable for younger children of preschool or early school age. It's a cute little cat made using just wool (yarn) and it can be displayed with or used for gentle play. This is also a great cat for a puppet theater production.


  1. Assemble the items needed to complete this project. These are listed below under "Things You'll Need".
  2. Using the ball of wool, make five oval balls. These will be the body and legs.
  3. Make one round ball for the head.
  4. Attach the legs and head to the body using the glue.
  5. Add a strand of wool for the tail.
  6. Cut out two triangles for ears. Glue into place on the head.
  7. Make whiskers using the pipe cleaners. Thread into place.
  8. Glue on the button for a nose.
  9. Allow the glue to dry. Once dry, the cat can be displayed, hung from the ceiling or played with gently.

Things You'll Need

  • One ball of wool (yarn)
  • Paper for ears
  • Pipe cleaners (chenille sticks) for whiskers
  • Little button for nose
  • Glue