Here is a simple way to make sticky tack at home with 2 ingredients!!!


  1. Find a glue stick with a bit of glue left and is dry.
  2. Unroll the glue stick all the way and set it in a cool place.
  3. Wait about a day or two.
  4. Roll in your hands to stretch it out and make sure it's dry. If it not yet dry, take a small container with some baby powder and rub it in that.
  5. Take a marker (preferably blue) and color the sticky tack. Roll and stretch to get color in.
  6. Enjoy your home made sticky tack!


  • You may want to use gloves for the coloring part. Try getting a glue stick that was not closed properly or was left open. It makes the sticky tack better.


  • You must stretch and roll it out every once in a while or it will become too dry and fail.