Goldstar Available

Pretty Flower Stacker Template - Cu4cu

$1.50 USD
Designer Resources / Templates / PNG Templates
stacker templates, flower, designer resources, png, cu4cu, template, pyramid
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File Size
210.99 KB
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3 times
Uploaded on
Jan 1, 2013
Download available immediately after purchase

This kit includes templates in 5 graduated sizes for a spiral flower stacker (see layers preview). They can be layered up to make a shaped pyramid, or you can layer them up as mats, or nest them as you like for your design projects.

They offer endless possibilities as you can use as many or as few layers as you like. A great addition for your Designer toolbox. Layers are in .png format, are CU4CU and (c)Mary Jane Harris 2012.

The Designer accepts total responsibility for this product, its use and any copyright issues that arise.