
Mother's Day Threaded Basket & BoxCompleted by Karen Cogan

Using white card I cut 2 sides & 2 circles for the main basket part. I then chose brown & blue for the weaving strips & cut those.

The original design creates a drum to which the flowers & lid are added. As I wanted to fill the baskets with easter things using the silhouette studio software I then created a copy of the circle & slightly enlarged it & cut 2, I also did the same with the basket lid and them in white card.

Again using the software I created a liner for the basket to strengthen it & also created a band to enable me to have a separate lid. I then weaved the strips through the sides & the lid. Then using strong ds tape (red backing) I attached the sides to one of the small circles & the band to one of the large circles fastening the sides together as I did this. I then inserted the liner bit & fastened in place with the tabs from the sides. Using PVA glue I then attached the other circle over the top of the tabs to hide them. This completed the lid & basket. Again using the software & using designs I had in my library I created a rabbit border for the lid & also cut some easter eggs. The border I attached with ds tape. I then cut out the flower elements which I did on white paper for all bit except the daffodil petals & leaves which I used scrapbooking papers for. I then used my promarkers to colour the flowers and daffodil centres. I then made up all the flowers using PVA glue to fix them and left to dry overnight. The next day I then attached the easter eggs, leaves & flowers using plenty of PVA glue. This completed the design. I did also make the box but it's not in the photograph. It's a great design & the results are well worth the effort. I made four of these baskets in different colours photos of which are in my gallery on the forum if you wish to view them.

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Mother's Day Threaded Basket & Box

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Cutting Files / Keepsakes & Gifts / Various
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Just beautiful for Mother's Day.... the basket has been put together then threaded with strips of card which has been embossed.... front lifts up to contain the beautiful flowers within...

Which are c ... Read More

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