Fun Magnets for the Fridge

Wood buttons painted with Plus Color. Small white wood buttons are glued on as eyes. The eyes and mouth are drawn with a permanent marker pen. A magnet and carded wool are glued onto the back.

Fridge Magnets


Paint the big wood button with Plus Color.

Fridge Magnets


Paint the small wood buttons with Plus Color.

Fridge Magnets


Glue the small wood buttons together and then glue them onto the big wood button.

Fridge Magnets


Draw the eyes and mouth with a permanent marker pen.

Fridge Magnets


Make the hair from a piece of carded wool which is then glued onto the back of the big wood button using a glue gun.

Fridge Magnets


Glue the magnet onto the back of the big wood button using a glue gun.

Fridge Magnets