Needle Felting on a Heart

These polystyrene have been needle felted with carded wool in two colours. First the base colour and afterwards needle-felted dots are made with the other colour. Long decorative ribbons are attached for hanging.


Place the polystyrene heart on the needle felting foam pad. Place the small wads of carded wool on top of the heart. Felt these onto the heart using the felting needle.


NB! The tool, which contains five needles, is especially good to use for children. It has a protective "cap", so as to avoid pricking oneself on the needles.


Roll very small tufts of carded wool in a different colour than the base colour lightly between your fingers. Felt these onto the heart as dots.


At the top of the heart make a small groove across using a pair of scissors. Squeeze a small blob of glue into the groove and push one end of the decorative ribbon into the groove using a pair of scissors.