A large Stocking with Prints and Drawings

This large stocking is decorated with sewn-on cotton ribbon and stamp printed text. Outlines of stars are drawn on with a Uni Posca Marker using a Fiskars template.


Sew the ribbon onto the stocking; all the way around the top edge and possibly also on the foot. A TIP: you may attach the ribbon with power tape instead of sewing it on.


Attach the pom-pom ribbon with tacking stitches just below the ribbon mentioned above.


Stamp text onto the stocking, with foam stamps. Apply Textile Solid fabric paint onto the stamps using a foam stencil brush. A TIP: Use the letter "I" for making a "hyphen". Only apply paint to half of the letter "I" when making a "hyphen".


When making light prints, remove some of the paint by lightly pressing onto a piece of absorbent kitchen roll, before stamping.


Draw outlines of stars, using a Fiskars template and a Uni Posca Marker.