
Vintage Christmas Elegant TopCompleted by Gail Pennycuick

Christmas / Christmas Vintage

I printed the design onto quality photo paper twice, cut the back from the front and the group of people from one of the copies.

I decoupaged the group onto the second front panel and mounted it with foam pads onto a square white card base.

I trimmed strips from one of the back panels, following the contours of the design and attached them either side of the main panel, as shown.

I used gold peel-off stickers to form borders around the pieces and the card. Finally I added glitter highlights, some faux gems and gold peel-off corners to finish.

This is a lovely vintage image, great just for a quick card as designed but also adaptable to other presentations, as I have done.

I plan to use the left-over back panel as a festive backing for another card.

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Vintage Christmas Elegant Top

Designed By Category
Card Making / Shaped Cards / Christmas
Christmas / Christmas Vintage
Ref #

A lovely stripey snowflake background with a Vintage Santa Claus and children.Just add a Christmas greeting.

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