
All about the coffee card front 2Completed by Pamela Horton The whispering Platypus

Birthday / Birthday Female

This beautiful thematic style decoupage design popped up for purchase just at the right time for me, as my special crafty friend, who organises all our birthday coffee mornings, and myself are both celebrating our birthdays at the end of the month.

So thank you for offering this beautiful sheet for purchase Stephen Poor, I love it. I have chosen to make a very large 18 x 17.5 finished card and have made 4 copies to be able to use the extra elements in a decoupage for the card front and to add embellishments for the insert and also as I don’t have to post it.

I have used a pink with white spot backing sheet as the background for the card front. The next backing sheet is rose pink gloss card cut at 17 x 16.75cm and I have attached the main image to this using D.S. tape.

I have used 2 strips of deep rose pink satin ribbon to attach across the gloss pink and main image before attaching these 2 backing sheets using padded D.S. tape onto the pink, white spot card front.

I have then used a second copy of the same size main image to cut out the top left and bottom right squares, including the section that is under the corners of the central image, and the corner flower sprays to also use in a later next step of the planned decoupage.

I have then used a 3rd copy of the sheet to remove the central framed larger square and attach this to the card front using padded D.S. tape before then attaching the rose sprays and the 2 minor corner square elements.

I used the extra smaller image to attach onto this over the central theme square which shows the coffee drinking lady.

I attached all the elements using suitable sizes of D.S. tape and squares. I have added some of the extra elements as extra embellishments, added tiny pearls and given the lady a bow and a pearl for her hat and a pearl ring.

I have finished the embellishments with a bow and some gold glitter dust. To complete the insert, I have used the same pink with white spot backing sheet and added a verse from the free verse selection, added some elements from the sheets, a ribbon and an extra small copy of the main central image to complete the embellishments.

I am yet to make the sentiment and the gift card, and will add the photographs of these at a later date.

This has made beautiful bright, happy greeting card and given me a most enjoyable afternoon of craft. Pamela Horton. The Whispering Platypus.

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All about the coffee card front 2

Designed By Category
Card Making / Quick Cards / Birthday Ladies
Birthday / Birthday Female
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All about the coffee card front with decoupage

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