For Sale

Wolves in the Mist 3D Quick Card TopperCompleted by Jayne Taplin

Birthday / Birthday Animals

The image was printed onto good quality satin decoupage paper and then I cut out the decoupage and main topper.

I used gold mirror card behind the topper and used 3D clear gloss on the wolves noses to add shine.

I also added gold glitter around the sentiment.

The base card was embossed then the topper mounted on 3D foam pads and attached to the card. Very easy and a great card for men.

This completed item is available to purchase directly from the Crafter.
Price includes shipping.

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Wolves in the Mist 3D Quick Card Topper

Designed By Category
Card Making / Quick Cards / Birthday Animals
Birthday / Birthday Animals
Ref #

Wolves in the mist with the appearance of 3D 6 inch card topper comprising of one sheet which includes multiple sentiment and all elements required to make the card as shown on the preview.

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