Patricia Platt

Alot has happened in the past few years. I recently lost my husband of 27 years. And my health hasn't been too great of late. I am now on kidney dialysis. But I am not letting things get me down. I have lots of lovely friends to keep me going and since I need to slow down a bit and rest more I can at least do some designing so hope to start doing more card designs. I am living here with my newest rescue dog of 7 years, Millie. She is now going on 11. We still get visited by the hedgehogs and I still offer help where and when I can with them. But no longer rescue because of my health. I still do quite a bit of knitting and crocheting for charity, mainly for the neonatal unit at the local hospital. I am also endeavoring to make all my renal nurses a pair of socks as a thank you for looking after me and the other patients.

Designer's Image of the Week


An Autumn Walk 2

Gallery Item of the Moment