Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads and Plastic Beads

A silicone bracelet with a built-in fastener decorated with glass charm beads and plastic beads. An easy activity which can be varied for a necklace by adding more silicone pieces together.

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads


Decorate the bracelet with glass charm beads and plastic beads.

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads


Pull stop rings onto the bracelet using pliers. The stop rings keep the beads in place.

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads


Thread plastic beads and glass charm beads onto the bracelet in the desired order. Place stop rings onto the bracelet between the beads.

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads


Adjust the bracelet in length and fasten using the built-in fastening mechanism.

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads

An example

Silicone Bracelets with Glass Charm Beads