Australia Day Verses

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 Verses
Australia Day
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
The sun is beating down
On all who are wearing it like a crown
The BBQ is on, the snags as well
Australia Day is one we Celebrate
Outdoors with family and friends
Every Year, the sun shines
Fun we have
Australia's Hidden Paradise
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
Come one, come all
To visit this wonderful land
The Hidden Paradise of Tasmania is a must see for all
The grass is green, forests of trees so old abound
The people are friendly
So come one, come all
and see this Paradise
as part of your Australian tour
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
The sun shines on the dirt track
The White Cockatoo's swarking that dusk is about to take the sun away
and replace it with a sunset so pure and solid, in the remoteness of the outback.
Night falls and the velvet sky so very black is lit up with stars and a half moon.
Only to be replaced at dawn with the laughing of the Kookaburra announcing another day is here.
Australia is a place to visit and a great place to live
The remoteness of the country lends to falling in love with Mother Nature
Australia Day
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
We stand with pride
on this our special day
With parties everywhere and our famous Sausage sizzles, gum boot throwing competitions,
New Australians becoming Citizens
Amidst our pride and joy
I am proud to be an Aussie and pleased we can Celebrate on the 26th
January every year, so Party on with Pride,
Wonderful Australia
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
Australia, so big and beautiful
From Lush green patures, to
The arid planes so vast
The oceans and all the treasures they offer
A place everyone should see
Australia my home
Australia Day
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
As we head for the most important day In an Aussie,s life
We realize how beautiful, yet unpredictable our wonderful country is
We are in the grip of heat extremes and bushfires, yet we still help eah other out.
No it is not the 4th of July, or any other inane day
We are Heading towards Australia Day
Where our Family meet and celebrate and have a snag cooked on the Barbie and a tiiny or two
Everyone have the Best Australia Day ever
From a very proud Aussie
Boat Ride To A Surprise
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
Australia is a wonderful place
A surprise where ever you go
Tasmania is a new joy
On the boat to Tasmania
Over the sea and rocking
And sleeping to awaken to an
island with some amazing
places to see
Tassie as we call it
Is a treasure for all to see
Of On Sea Journey To Tassie
Submitted By Diane Vermeer
I love this country
We are now off to Tassie
Tasmania that is
We are going on the Ferry
Looking forward to all this Island
Has to give
Been once before on plane
Noe we of to sea
Hope the sea is not too choppy
So we won't chuck on our bunk
Tassie here we come
Bye for now
Bilby Easter Australia
Submitted By Sally McIntyre
Hopping round to leave our eggs,
a Bilby hops,
on 2 hind legs,
with Easter eggs he will be leaving,
We wish you and your family a great Easter
Australia Day
Submitted By Sally McIntyre
Throw a shrimp on the barbie,
and have an ale or two,
and toast our land australia,
happy Australia day to you

Enjoy Australia day
A Special Greeting
Submitted By JO LOCKWOOD
This special Birthday greeting
Is being sent your way,
With many happy wishes,
For a truly perfect day
Happy Australia Day
Submitted By Margaret Jones
G'Day Mate! Hope you have a Fair Dinkum time on Australia Day.
Australian Day
Submitted By Ann Cunningham
Happy Australian Day
Showing 1 - 13 of 13 Verses