Birthday Sport Verses

Showing 73 - 79 of 79 Verses
Submitted By Susan Smith
Football football, is your great passion,
the running for the ball,
the penaltys which are given,
but todays your birthday,
and you have reached your goal,
because today youre 50
so happy birthday, hope you have a ball.
Submitted By Margaret Swaby
It's your birthday
It's time to relax
So go out and have some fun.
Why not play a round of gof
and score a hole in one!

Hope your birthday is above par.
Sportsman Birthday
Submitted By Sally McIntyre
A number one,
you are to me,
a game of golf'
or tennis 3,
the score it counts,
but just for me.
Happy sportsman Birthday

Love from
Gone Fishing!
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
Whenever you have a moment,
With fishing rod in hand,
You're off to where the sea is,
And the golden sand,
You'll sit at the end of the pier,
With your trusty rod,
Hoping for a tug on your line,
That's it you've hooked a cod!
But before you do all that today,
This card is meant to cheer,
And wish you happy birthday,
With many more fishing trips this year!
Cycle Mad!
Submitted By Jane Wells
Saddle sore, it's raining loads
The tyre has burst again!
Another hill to try and climb,
This cycling lark's a pain!
But I know someone who loves his bike,
And cycles every day,
So just for you, who's cycle mad,
This is what I say....
Happy Birthday!!!
For Our Sportsman
Submitted By Sally McIntyre
For our sportsman
today is a special day
You are always a winner
Happy Birthday
It's your day?
?to just kick back!

Happy Birthday
Showing 73 - 79 of 79 Verses