Birthday Age Cards 11-20 Verses

Showing 1 - 24 of 74 Verses
18, That Special Number
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
18, that special number,
The key to open doors,
I hope you find this year,
Has lots of joys in store,
For being 18 holds many things,
Lots of joy and laughter too,
And may you find the year ahead,
Is very kind to you!
Life Ahead
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Happy Birthday
Have lots of fun
Now you're 18,
Life has just begun
Life can have
So much in store
So enjoy it all,
That's what life's for
Now You Are 18
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Now that you are 18
What will your future life be?
University and a good career
Is what you wish to see

We wish these things will all come true
As you travel through the years
And happiness and good fortune
Will conquer any fears
Happy Birthday
Happy Eighteenth
Submitted By Celia Clare
You've been our babe for eighteen years
There's been great laughter and some tears
We've always been around for you
through all your struggles, pulled you through
Now like many others who've gone before
We give to you the key to the door

Now Use It!
Now You're 20
Daises and rubies
Silver and gold
You deserve much happiness
Now you're 20 years old

Happy Birthday
Submitted By Susan Smith
A very happy 18th birthday
you have the key to the door,
hope it opens to a future of luck
and happiness and so much more.
18th Birthday
Submitted By Susan Smith
Without a doubt you'll be celebrating today,
you've finally reached that legal age,
So congratulations have a wonderful time,
make it one to remember, for years down the line
Happy 18th Birthday
Sweet Sixteen
Submitted By Kay Bowley
Happy Birthday
sweet sixteen
the sweetest girl
you've ever been
time to celebrate
your special day
Happy sixteenth birthday
Old Fashion Communication
This old fashion communication
does not have Youtube or Google
Facebook or games.
But it brings you all our best wishes
for fun, music and games.

Have a great Birthday
18 Today
Submitted By Susan Smith
Today's a celebration
you've turned 18 today,
so have a day full of fun,
enjoy your special day.
Now You Are 18
Submitted By Hilda Mullinger
Now you are 18
You are considered to be a man
You can walk into a pub now
And there won't be any ban
Budding Vet Nurse
Submitted By Mary Wilkinson
My, how did all those years fly past ?
You’re 18 now, so out , have a blast,
We’re so very proud of what you’ve achieved
In fact if I’m honest, I’m a little bit peeved,
To feed a baby lamb what can I say but aw!
It’s little tail, the suckle and those cute paws,
You’ve decided too, what you want to do next
We’re sure you’ll achieve it so all the best’
From a handful of cuddles as a small baby girl
Now, phew, how tall are you you’ve blown our minds all a blur.

Happy Birthday to our dear Granddaughter
Levelling Up At 16
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
At sixteen years old, you're just getting started,
A bright future awaits, you'll soon be lion-hearted.
Levelling up is the name of the game,
But don't worry, you'll get there, all the same.

With each passing day, you're gaining XP,
Soon you'll have skills that are top-notch, you'll see.
So don't be discouraged if you feel like a n00b,
Just keep on grinding, and you'll soon be a pro, dude.
Levelling Up At 18
Submitted By Rachael Dunne
At eighteen years old, you're ready to go,
Your future's bright, like a freshly fallen snow.
Levelling up is the name of the game,
But don't worry, you'll get there, all the same.

With each passing year, you're gaining new skills,
Soon you'll be unstoppable, like a car with no brakes or spills.
So don't be afraid to take risks and be bold,
Just keep on levelling up, and you'll soon be worth your weight in gold.
My, How You've Grown...
Submitted By Crafty Lynn
Another Year has gone by,
My goodness! How you've grown!
You've got so tall and
You started so small
It's really quite amazing!

Happy Birthday to You!
18th Birthday Granddaughter
Submitted By Mary Wilkinson
The last 18 years have flown by so fast
in a great amazing whirl,
You’ve grown into a fine young woman
no longer a little girl,
We say how much we love you
although we’re sure you already know,
It’s been a pleasure to be with you
to watch you mature and grow,
We’re so grateful for all the caring
and kind things that you do,
You think ahead about our needs
we find that special, just like you,
It looks like you’ll beat your brother
to be the first to pass to drive a car,
You’re trying hard at College, your sights set,
we’re sure that you’ll go far,
You’re loving and you’re thoughtful
even though you’re very shy,
We hope that as time passes
you’ll grow more confident and learn to fly,
So have a wonderful Birthday
although with Covid it’s different at this time,
But we look forward to your great big virtual party
with everyone on-line.

Happy Birthday
Welcome The Twenties!
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
So now you've left the teens,
The twenties now do beckon,
There's loads of time to have much fun,
Let's get on with it - don't waste a second,
Pop the corks, drink the wine,
Dine with all your friends,
Ten more years to celebrate,
Before your twenties end!
18 - A Significant Occasion
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
A significant occasion,
Of that there is no doubt,
So make sure you celebrate,
What being eighteen is all about,
Time to vote, maybe get a tattoo,
You can do anything you want to do,
There are many opportunities,
That will be coming your way,
And they all begin on your 18th BIRTHDAY !
18 - It's A Very Special Number
Submitted By Diamond Crafts
It's a very special number,
It's a very special date,
It's when you look ahead and realise,
Exciting things await,
You're a beautiful young woman,
The world's waiting just of you,
And with your talent and vision,
There's nothing you can't do,
So enjoy the celebrations,
May your hopes and dreams come true,
And may the sun shine on the path,
That lies ahead of you.
A Visit To 'jump'
Submitted By Mary Wilkinson
You're a proper young Lady
from your head to your toe,
so on your 14th birthday
we wanted you to know,
How very much we love you
each and every day,
now go ahead, forget the rules,
and jump and play,
Sweet Sixteen
Submitted By Julie Hassall
Sweet sixteen, growing up fast
Hope your birthday will be a blast!
May all that you do, on your birthday today,
Bring joy and happiness in every way.
18 Today, Time To Have Fun
Submitted By Julie Hassall
18 today, time to have fun
For you the party has just begun
Have a great time!
Sweet Sixteen
Submitted By Laura Nicholls
Have a really happy birthday
Sweet little sixteen year old
Did you know
You can get married now
But you can't leave school
15th Birthday
Submitted By Susan Smith
Happy 15th birthday
hope youre days a blast,
a day of fun and laughter
and happiness which lasts.
Showing 1 - 24 of 74 Verses